Turning Places into Different Knowledges : City Tour
meer teilen : share more project by curator Harm Lux, with an exhibition at the Shedhalle im Eisenwerk in Frauenfeld, Switzerland (13.08 – 08.10.2016)
With Carlos Leon, Mirjam Wanner, Fernando Pertuz and Tea Hatadi
04.08.2016 14:30–18:15
05.08.2016 09:15–13:00
//This workshop is a space for the creation of thought, knowledge sharing and collective construction. The objective is to work on the idea of community to propose and implement collective actions in specific public spaces. All of this is done with basic principles like fun, sharing, learning and the sketching of a better world. This experience will develop into a march/procession/ demonstration looking for interaction with the audience. This is where teaching becomes a micro-social experiment where everyone proposes and develops a specific role for a common purpose… with the challenge of understanding the unity in the diversity.//
July-August 2016.
Video on the performative city tour by Tea Hatadi (HR), Fernando Pertuz (CO), Mirjam Wanner (CH) and Carlos Leon-Xjimenez (PE) in the framework of the meer teilen : share more project by curator Harm Lux, with an exhibition at the Shedhalle im Eisenwerk in Frauenfeld, Switzerland (13.08 – 08.10.2016).
Video by Fernando Pertuz (2016)
Length: 42´48¨
Special thanks to Esneider Gamboa